Ike Pre Shared Key Generator


RandomKeygen is a free mobile-friendly tool that offers randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device. KEY RandomKeygen - The Secure Password & Keygen Generator. The IKE implementation offers algorithms whose keys vary in length. The key length that you choose is determined by site security. In general, longer keys provide more security than shorter keys. In this procedure, you generate keys in ASCII format. How to generate secure pre-shared keys (PSK) for an IPSec VPN I build VPNs regularly, and one of the problems that comes up regularly is how to exchange PSK's. Some people are happy to exchange them over email, and others not (particularly because of ISO/IEC 27002). Libreswan uses the terms 'left' and 'right' to describe endpoints. We will use left for west and east for right. We will be using PSK in this example. Generate a pre shared key (PSK) for use in this VPN. PSK is really not a password, it's a key and you must make absolutely sure it is transferred to remote end in a secure way by using PGP/GPG.

  1. Ike Pre Shared Key Generator For Sale
  2. Wpa Pre Shared Key Linksys
  3. Pre Shared Key
  4. Pre Shared Key Definition

How to Add a New Pre-Shared Key

If you are using pre-shared keys, you must have one pre-shared key for every policy entry in the ipsecinit.conf file. If you add new policy entries while IPsec and IKE are running, the in.iked daemon can read in new keys. This procedure assumes the following:

  • The in.iked daemon is running

  • The interface that you want to protect with IPsec is an entry in the /etc/hosts file on both systems, for example:

  • You have added a new policy entry to the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file on both systems. For example, the entry on enigma looks something like the following:

    For example, the entry on ada looks something like the following:

  • You have created a rule for the interface on ada in the /etc/inet/ike/config file on both systems. For example, the rule on enigma looks something like the following:

    For example, the rule on ada looks something like the following:

    Note –

    All arguments to auth_method must be on the same line.

  1. If you are using pre-shared keys, you must have one pre-shared key for every policy entry in the ipsecinit.conf file. If you add new policy entries while IPsec and IKE are running, the in.iked daemon can read in new keys. This procedure assumes the following: The in.iked daemon is running.
  2. Obtains information (such as vendor and device type where available) from an IKE service by sending four packets to the host. This scripts tests with both Main and Aggressive Mode and sends multiple transforms per request. Example Usage. Nmap -sU -sV -p 500 nmap -sU -p 500 -script ike-version Script Output.
  1. On the system console, become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Note –

    Logging in remotely exposes security-critical traffic to eavesdropping. Even if you somehow protect the remote login, the total security of the system is reduced to the security of the remote login session.

  2. Check that the in.iked daemon permits you to change keying material.

    You can change keying material if the command returns a privilege level of 0x1 or 0x2. Level 0x0 does not permit keying material operations. By default, the in.iked daemon runs at the 0x0 level of privilege.

  3. If the in.iked daemon does not permit you to change keying material, kill the daemon. After killing the daemon, restart the daemon with the correct privilege level.

    For example,

  4. Generate random keys and combine the output to create a key of 64 to 448 bits.

    On a Solaris system, you can use the od command.

    For an explanation of the command, see How to Generate Random Numbers and the od(1) man page.

  5. By some means, send the key to the administrator of the communicating system.

    You are both going to add the same pre-shared key at the same time.

  6. Add the new keying material with the add preshared subcommand in the ikeadm command mode.


    The type of the id.


    IP address when id-type is IP.


    The IKE mode. main is the only accepted value.


    The pre-shared key in hexadecimal format.

    For example, on host enigma, you add the key for the new interface, ada,

    On host ada, the administrator would add the identical key, as in:

    Note –

    A message of the form Error: invalid preshared key definition indicates that you gave incorrect arguments to the add preshared command. You might have mistyped a parameter. You might have omitted a parameter. Retype the command correctly to add the key.

  7. Exit the ikeadm command mode.

  8. On each system, lower the privilege level of the in.iked daemon.

  9. On each system, activate the ipsecinit.conf file to secure the added interface.

    Note –

    Read the warning when you execute the command. A socket that is already latched, that is, the socket is in use, provides an unsecured back door into the system.

  10. On each system, read in the new rules by using the ikeadm command.

    A sample of the new rules for ada and enigma are at the start of the procedure. Because the rules are in the /etc/inet/ike/config file, the name of the file does not have to be specified.

  11. To ensure that IKE pre-shared keys are available at reboot, edit the /etc/inet/secret/ike.preshared file.

    Enter the arguments to the add preshared command into the file on each system, as shown in the following substeps.

    1. For example, on the enigma system, you would add the following keying information to the ike.preshared file:

    2. On the ada system, you would add the following keying information to the ike.preshared file:

IPSec VPN Setup with IKE Preshared Key and Manual Key on WRVS4400N Router


Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is used to protect communications through the encryption of IP packets during a communication session. IPSec is also an internet protocol used to establish mutual authentication between two endpoints at the beginning of a communication session and negotiation of cryptographic keys during session. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network that allows the transmission of information between two PCs across the network. VPN establishes a high level of security on the private network through the use of encryption.

This document shows the configuration of the IPSec VPN with IKE Preshared Key and Manual Key on a WRVS4400N router.

Applicable Devices

• WRVS4400N

Software Version

• v2.0.2.1

Configuration of IPSec VPN Setup

Step 1. Log into the web configuration utility page and choose VPN > IPSec VPN. The IPSec VPN page opens:

Step 2. Choose an option from the Keying Mode drop-down list.

• IKE with Preshared Key — If you select IKE with Preshared key the automatic key management protocols are used to negotiate key material for SA (Security Association).

• Manual — If you select Manual Key Management no key negotiation is needed. The Manual key is usually used for small environments or for troubleshooting purposes.

Note: Both sides of the VPN Tunnel must use the same key management method.

IPSec VPN Setup with IKE Preshared Key

Step 1. Choose IKE with Preshared Key from the drop-down list of the Keying Mode field.

In the Phase 1 area,

Step 2. Choose 3DES in the Encryption field. The Encryption method determines the length of the key used to encrypt/decrypt ESP packets. Only 3DES is supported.

Note: Both sides of the VPN Tunnel must use the same Encryption method. Battlefield 1942 serial key generator.

Step 3. Choose an option from the Authentication drop-down list. Authentication determines a method to authenticate ESP Packets. The user can choose MD5 or SHA1 from the drop-down list.

• MD5 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 128-bit digest. This is not as secure as SHA1 because it is a broken one-way has algorithm.

• SHA1 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 160-bit digest. This is a more secure has algorithm but is not as fast as MD5.

Note: Both sides of the VPN endpoints must use the same Authentication method.

Step 4. Choose an option from the Group drop-down list. The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group is used for key exchange.

•768-bit (Group 1) algorithm — This group provides the least level of security and specifies the IPSec to use 768-bit for DH key exchange

•1024-bit (Group 2) algorithm — This group specifies the IPSec to use for 1024-bit for DH key exchange.

•1536-bit (Group 5) algorithm — This group provides the highest level of security to the network and specifies the IPSec to use 1536-bit for DH key exchange.

Note: Group 5 provides the most security whereas the Group 1 the least security.

Ike Pre Shared Key Generator For Sale

Step 5. Enter the lifetime (in seconds) of the IKE generated key in the Key LifeTime. When the time expires, a new key will be renegotiated automatically. The Key Lifetime ranges from 1081 to 86400 seconds. The default value for Phase 1 is 28800 seconds.

In the Phase 2 area,

Step 6. Choose 3EDS in the Encryption field. The Encryption method determines the length of the key used to encrypt/decrypt ESP packets, Only 3DES is supported

Note: Both sides of the VPN Tunnel must use the same Encryption method.

Step 7. Choose an option from the Authentication drop-down list. Authentication determines a method to authenticate ESP Packets. The user can choose MD5 or SHA1 from the drop-down list.

• MD5 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 128-bit digest. This is not as secure as SHA1 because it is a broken one-way hash algorithm.

• SHA1 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 160-bit digest. This is a more secure has algorithm but is not as fast as MD5.

Note: Both sides of the VPN endpoints must use the same Authentication method.

Step 8. Choose an option from the Prefect Forward Secrecy (PFS) drop-down list.

• Enabled — If PFS is enabled, IKE Phase 2 negotiation will generate a new key material for IP traffic encryption and authentication.

• Disabled —If PFS is disabled, IKE Phase 2 negotiation will not generate a new key material for IP traffic encryption and authentication.

Note: Both sides must have selected the same PFS.

Step 9. Enter the character and hexadecimal value that specifies a key used to authenticate IP traffic in the Preshared Key field.

Step 10. Choose an option from the Group drop-down list.The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group to be used for key exchange.

•768-bit (Group 1) algorithm — This group provides the least level of security and specifies the IPSec to use 768-bit for DH key exchange

•1024-bit (Group 2) algorithm — This group specifies the IPSec to use for 1024-bit for DH key exchange.

•1536-bit (Group 5) algorithm — This group provides the highest level of security to the network and specifies the IPSec to use 1536-bit for DH key exchange.

Note: Group 5 provides the most security whereas the Group 1 the least security.

Step 11. Enter the lifetime (in seconds) of the IKE generated key in the Key LifeTime. If time expires,a new key will be renegotiated automatically. The Key Lifetime ranges from 1081 to 86400 seconds. The default value for Phase 2 is 3600 seconds.

Step 12. Click the Save to save set up.

IPSec VPN Setup with Manual Key

Wpa Pre Shared Key Linksys

In the IPSec Setup area,

Step 1. Choose the Manual key from the drop-down list of the Keying Mode field.

In the Phase 1 area,

Step 2. Choose 3DES in the Encryption field. The Encryption method determines the length of the key used to encrypt/decrypt ESP packets,Only 3DES is supported.

Note: Both sides of the VPN Tunnel must use the same Encryption method.

Step 3. Choose an option from the Authentication drop-down list. Authentication determines a method to authenticate ESP Packets. The user can choose MD5 or SHA1 from the drop-down list.

•MD5 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 128-bit digest.

•SHA1 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 160-bit digest.

Note: Both sides of the VPN endpoints must use the same Authentication method.

Step 4. Choose an option from the Group drop-down list. The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group is used for key exchange.

•768-bit (Group 1) algorithm — This group provides the least level of security and specifies the IPSec to use 768-bit for DH key exchange

•1024-bit (Group 2) algorithm — This group specifies the IPSec to use for 1024-bit for DH key exchange.

•1536-bit (Group 5) algorithm — This group provides the highest level of security to the network and specifies the IPSec to use 1536-bit for DH key exchange.

Note: Group 5 provides the most security whereas the Group 1 the least security.

Step 5. Enter the lifetime (in seconds) of the IKE generated key in the Key LifeTime. If time expires, a new key will be renegotiated automatically. The Key Lifetime range from 1081 to 86400 seconds. The default value for Phase 1 is 28800 seconds.

In the Phase 2 area,

Step 6. Choose 3EDS in the Encryption Algorithm field. The Encryption method determines the length of the key used to encrypt/decrypt ESP packets, Only 3DES is supported

Note: Both sides of the VPN Tunnel must use the same Encryption method.

Step 7. Enter the encryption key in the Encryption Key field. Since Encryption Algorithm is 3DES enter 24 ASCII Characters as key in the Encryption Key field.

Step 8. Choose an option from the Authentication Algorithm drop-down list. Authentication determines a method to authenticate ESP Packets. The user can choose MD5 or SHA1 from the drop-down list.

• MD5 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 128-bit digest.

•SHA1 — A one-way hashing algorithm that produces a 160-bit digest.

Step 9. Enter the authentication key in the Authentication Key field. If MD5 algorithm was chosen in authentication algorithm field enter 16 ASCII characters as key, otherwise if SHA1 algorithm was chosen enter 20 ASCII characters as authentication key.

Step 10. Enter the inbound SPI (Security Parameter Index) in the Inbound SPI field.

Step 11. Enter the outbound SPI (Security Parameter Index) in the Inbound SPI field.

The SPI (Security Parameter Index) is carried in the ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload) header. This enables the receiver to select the SA, under which a packet should be processed. The SPI is a 32-bit value. Both decimal and hexadecimal values are acceptable. Each tunnel must have unique an Inbound SPI and Outbound SPI. No two tunnels share the same SPI.

Step 12. Enter the outbound SPI (Security Parameter Index) in the Inbound SPI field.

Note: The Inbound SPI should match with the router Outbound SPI, and vice verse.

Pre Shared Key

Step 13. Click the Save to save set up.

IPSec VPN Status

Step 1. Log in to the web configuration utility, choose VPN > IPSec VPN. The IPSec VPN page opens:

Note: Please make sure a VPN Tunnel is created. Refer to article IPSec VPN Local and Remote Group Setup on WRVS4400N Router on how to do this.

Step 2. Click Advanced. It displays two more options.

• Aggressive mode — Aggressive Mode squeezes the IKE SA negotiation into three packets, with all data required for the SA passed by the initiator. The responder sends the proposal, key material and ID, and authenticates the session in the next packet. The initiator replies by authenticating the session. Negotiation is quicker, and the initiator and responder ID pass in the clear.

• NetBios Broadcast — NetBIOS broadcasts a Name Query packet to the local network on UDP port 137. Every computer on the local subnet processes the broadcast packet. If a computer on the network is configured for the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) protocol, the NetBIOS module in the computer receives the broadcast.

Step 3. Click the desired button.

• Connect — Establishes the connection for the current VPN tunnel.

• Disconnect — Breaks the connection for the current VPN tunnel.

• View Log — It displays VPN logs and the details of each tunnel established.

Pre Shared Key Definition

Step 4. Click Save, to save all the changes.